Research interests
My main area of research is in group theory. I am interested in simple groups, both finite and algebraic, with a particular focus on subgroup structure, conjugacy classes and representation theory. I am also interested in permutation groups and related combinatorics, and in the application of probabilistic and computational methods.
In March 2021 I gave a series of online lectures on Bases for permutation groups, hosted by the University of Padova.
I am a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Algebra. I also served on the editorial board of the Journal of Group Theory (2015-2025), as editor, managing editor and co-editor-in-chief.
Publication highlights
I have written over 70 research publications, which have attracted more than 750 citations according to MathSciNet. This includes three books and monographs, as well as papers in several leading journals:
- Advances in Mathematics (5 papers)
- Algebra and Number Theory (2)
- Annals of Mathematics
- Journal of the European Mathematical Society (2)
- Mathematische Annalen
- Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (2)
- Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (2)
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2)
Books and monographs
- Classical groups, derangements and primes
joint with M. Giudici
Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, vol. 25
Cambridge University Press, 2016, xviii+346
ISBN: 978-1-1076-2944-8
- Irreducible geometric subgroups of classical algebraic groups
joint with S. Ghandour and D.M. Testerman
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 239 (2016), no. 1130, vi+88
ISBN: 978-1-4704-1494-8
- Irreducible almost simple subgroups of classical algebraic groups
joint with S. Ghandour, C. Marion and D.M. Testerman
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 236 (2015), no. 1114,
ISBN: 978-1-4704-1046-9
All publications and preprints
- On 2-elusive primitive permutation groups
joint with M. Korhonen
58 pages, submitted
- On derangements in simple permutation groups
joint with M. Fusari
58 pages, submitted
- Topological generation of simple algebraic groups
joint with S. Gerhardt and R.M. Guralnick
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
87 pages, to appear
- On the topological generation of exceptional groups by unipotent elements
Transformation Groups
30 pages, to appear
- On the regularity number of a finite group and other base-related invariants
joint with M. Anagnostopoulou-Merkouri
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 110 (2024), e70035, 65 pp.
[Supplementary file]
- On the generation of simple groups by Sylow subgroups
joint with R.M. Guralnick
Contemporary Mathematics (Amitsur Centennial Symposium), vol. 800 (2024), 81-100, Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, RI.
- On the maximal overgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups
joint with B. Baumeister, R.M. Guralnick and H.P. Tong-Viet
Advances in Mathematics 444 (2024), 109632, 65 pp.
- Strongly base-two groups
joint with R.M. Guralnick
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (Tiep 60th birthday volume) 51 (2023), 657-683
- On the classification of extremely primitive affine groups
joint with M. Lee
Israel Journal of Mathematics 255 (2023), 265-282
- On the commuting probability of p-elements in a finite group
joint with R.M. Guralnick, A. Moretó and G. Navarro
Algebra and Number Theory 17 (2023), 1209-1229
- On soluble subgroups of sporadic groups
Israel Journal of Mathematics 254 (2023), 313-340
- Normalisers of maximal tori and a conjecture of Vdovin
joint with A.R. Thomas
Journal of Algebra 619 (2023), 459-504
- On the soluble graph of a finite group
joint with A. Lucchini and D. Nemmi
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 194 (2023), 105708, 39 pp.
- On base sizes for primitive groups of
product type
joint with H.Y. Huang
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 227 (2023), 107228, 43 pp.
- Fixed point ratios for finite primitive groups and applications
joint with R.M. Guralnick
Advances in Mathematics 411 (2022), 108778, 90 pp.
- On the Saxl graphs of primitive groups with soluble stabilisers
joint with H.Y. Huang
Algebraic Combinatorics 5 (2022), 1053-1087
- The classification of extremely primitive groups
joint with A.R. Thomas
International Mathematics Research Notices IMRN (2022), no. 13, 10148-10248
[GAP and Magma code]
- Finite groups, minimal bases and the intersection number
joint with M. Garonzi and A. Lucchini
Transactions of the London Mathematical Society 9 (2022), 20-55
- Permutation groups with restricted stabilizers
joint with A. Shalev
Journal of Algebra (special issue in memory of Jan Saxl) 607 (2022), 160-185
- Almost elusive permutation groups
joint with E.V. Hall
Journal of Algebra 594 (2022), 519-543
- Base sizes for primitive groups with soluble stabilisers
Algebra and Number Theory 15 (2021), 1755-1807
- On the involution fixity of simple groups
joint with E. Covato
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 64 (2021), 408-426
- The spread of a finite group
joint with R.M. Guralnick and S. Harper
Annals of Mathematics 193 (2021), 619-687
- A note on extremely primitive affine groups
joint with A.R. Thomas
Archiv der Mathematik 116 (2021), 141-152
- On solvable factors of almost simple groups
joint with C.H. Li
Advances in Mathematics 377 (2021), 107499, 36 pp.
- Finite groups, 2-generation and the uniform domination number
joint with S. Harper
Israel Journal of Mathematics 239 (2020), 271-367
- Topological generation of exceptional algebraic groups
joint with S. Gerhardt and R.M. Guralnick
Advances in Mathematics 369 (2020), 107177, 50 pp.
- On the minimal dimension of a finite simple group
joint with M. Garonzi and A. Lucchini (with an appendix by T.C. Burness and R.M. Guralnick)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 171 (2020), 105175, 32 pp.
- The length and depth of compact Lie groups
joint with M.W. Liebeck and A. Shalev
Mathematische Zeitschrift 294 (2020), 1457-1476
- On the Saxl graph of a permutation group
joint with M. Giudici
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 168 (2020), 219-248
- On the length and depth of finite groups
joint with M.W. Liebeck and A. Shalev (with an appendix by D.R. Heath-Brown)
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 119 (2019), 1464-1492
- Simple groups, generation and probabilistic methods
Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 455, Cambridge University Press, pp. 200-229, 2019
- Irreducible subgroups of simple algebraic groups - a survey
joint with D.M. Testerman
Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 455, Cambridge University Press, pp. 230-260, 2019
- $A_1$-type subgroups containing regular unipotent elements
joint with D.M. Testerman
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 7 (2019), e12, 61 pp.
- On the uniform domination number of a finite simple group
joint with S. Harper
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372 (2019), 545-583
[GAP and Magma code]
- The length and depth of algebraic groups
joint with M.W. Liebeck and A. Shalev
Mathematische Zeitschrift 291 (2019), 741-760
- On base sizes for almost simple primitive groups
Journal of Algebra 516 (2018), 38-74
- On the involution fixity of exceptional groups of Lie type
joint with A.R. Thomas
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 28 (2018), 411-466
- Locally elusive classical groups
joint with M. Giudici
Israel Journal of Mathematics 225 (2018), 343-402
- Simple groups, fixed point ratios and applications
Local Representation Theory and Simple Groups, EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics, European Mathematical Society, Zürich, pp. 267-322, 2018
- The depth of a finite simple group
joint with M.W. Liebeck and A. Shalev
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018), 2343-2358
- Generation of second maximal subgroups and the existence of special primes
joint with M.W. Liebeck and A. Shalev
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 5 (2017), e25, 41 pp.
- On base sizes for algebraic groups
joint with R.M. Guralnick and J. Saxl
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 19 (2017), 2269-2341
- Permutation groups and derangements of odd prime order
joint with M. Giudici
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 151 (2017), 102-130
- On irreducible subgroups of simple algebraic groups
joint with C. Marion and D.M. Testerman
Mathematische Annalen 367 (2017), 1259-1309
- Primitive permutation groups and derangements of prime power order
joint with H.P. Tong-Viet
Manuscripta Mathematica 150 (2016), 255-291
- Classical groups, derangements and primes
joint with M. Giudici
Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, vol. 25
Cambridge University Press, 2016, xviii+346
- Irreducible geometric subgroups of classical algebraic groups
joint with S. Ghandour and D.M. Testerman
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 239 (2016), no. 1130, vi+88
- On Pyber's base size conjecture
joint with Á. Seress
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (2015), 5633-5651
- Derangements in primitive permutation groups, with an application to character theory
joint with H.P. Tong-Viet
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 66 (2015), 63-96
- On the prime graph of simple groups
joint with E. Covato
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 91 (2015), 227-240
- Large subgroups of simple groups
joint with S.H. Alavi
Journal of Algebra (special issue in memory of Ákos Seress) 421 (2015), 187-233
- Irreducible almost simple subgroups of classical algebraic groups
joint with S. Ghandour, C. Marion and D.M. Testerman
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 236 (2015), no. 1114,
- Base sizes for $\mathcal{S}$-actions of finite classical groups
joint with R.M. Guralnick and J. Saxl
Israel Journal of Mathematics 199 (2014), 711-756
- Generation and random generation: from simple groups to maximal subgroups
joint with M.W. Liebeck and A. Shalev
Advances in Mathematics 248 (2013), 59-95
- On the generating graph of direct powers of a simple group
joint with E. Crestani
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 38 (2013), 329-350
- On the uniform spread of almost simple linear groups
joint with S. Guest
Nagoya Mathematical Journal 209 (2013), 35-109
- Extremely primitive sporadic and alternating groups
joint with C.E. Praeger and Á. Seress
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 44 (2012), 1147-1154
- Extremely primitive classical groups
joint with C.E. Praeger and Á. Seress
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 216 (2012), 1580-1610
- Prime order derangements in primitive permutation groups
joint with M. Giudici and R.A. Wilson
Journal of Algebra 341 (2011), 158-178
- On base sizes for symmetric groups
joint with R.M. Guralnick and J. Saxl
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 43 (2011), 386-391
- Base sizes for sporadic simple groups
joint with E.A. O'Brien and R.A. Wilson
Israel Journal of Mathematics 177 (2010), 307-334
- On the number of prime order subgroups of finite groups
joint with S.D. Scott
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 87 (2009), 329-357
- Base sizes for simple groups and a conjecture of Cameron
joint with M.W. Liebeck and A. Shalev
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 97 (2009), 116-162
- On base sizes for actions of finite classical groups
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 75 (2007), 545-562
- Fixed point ratios in actions of finite classical groups, IV
Journal of Algebra 314 (2007), 749-788
- Fixed point ratios in actions of finite classical groups, III
Journal of Algebra 314 (2007), 693-748
- Fixed point ratios in actions of finite classical groups, II
Journal of Algebra 309 (2007), 80-138
- Fixed point ratios in actions of finite classical groups, I
Journal of Algebra 309 (2007), 69-79
- Fixed point spaces in actions of classical algebraic groups
Journal of Group Theory 7 (2004), 311-346
- Fixed point spaces in primitive actions of simple algebraic groups
Journal of Algebra 265 (2003), 744-771
- Fixed point spaces in actions of finite and algebraic simple groups
Ph.D. thesis, Imperial College London (2005)
- Reductive algebraic groups and Tits systems
M.Sc. thesis, University of Warwick (2001)